CV and Linkedin profile picture


Increase your digital exposure with a professional portrait

How do you get the right expression in your portrait and send the right signals? If the previous photographer failed to capture it, can a new one do it?

These were exactly the questions Glenn was facing when he contacted WEcreate.

An important investment

When working as a consultant, it’s important to have a professional profile on LinkedIn and on your consultant profiles. After all, it’s your CV that represents you to potential customers and partners.

Glenn Grejs Jørgensen, who works as a financial consultant, had also experienced this problem. Although he liked his profile picture, it was almost 10 years old, so it was time for an update. At first he had no luck with the photographer in question, so after looking at reference images on several websites, he decided to contact WEcreate to invest in a new professional image to represent himself in the desired way.

Engaging process and experimental approach created the right portrait

Glenn was impressed with the value WEcreate brought to his portrait. He was particularly impressed with the engaging way he was involved in the process and the explanatory way we explained the significance of the changes in the background, poses and lighting.

In addition, Glenn had the opportunity to experiment with different setups and test his ideas, which resulted in a positive experience for him. He was thrilled that his original ideas were challenged, taken seriously and shaped into an impressive result.

Increase Exposure on LinkedIn with a new professional portrait photo

Glenn has experienced great exposure on LinkedIn after having a new, professional portrait taken by WEcreate. His posts received 3 times as many views and comments compared to previous posts.

This shows that it’s important to have a well-designed and recently updated picture on your digital profile, as it sends a signal that you take your professional presence seriously and are taken seriously by contacts and potential partners.

Glenn also has new contacts and has reconnected with old contacts thanks to the updated image. This emphasizes the importance of investing in your digital profile, as it can pay off in the end.

headshot af wecreate portrætfotograf

"Invest in a professional profile picture and send the right message"

“I think it was a really good experience, and I definitely think it’s worth the investment to have a good and well-looking profile picture. Even though you can easily fall into the trap of using last year’s vacation picture, it sends a completely different signal when you invest in a professional picture.” – Glenn Grejs Jørgensen

Curious about who GLENN GREJS JØRGENSEN is?

Glenn Grejs Jørgensen is an independent financial consultant who works on a freelance basis with all aspects of the finance function. He offers consulting services in accounting, financial management and financial projects, helping small, medium and large companies with their finance function.
You can find more information about Glenn on his LinkedIn profile: Glenn Grejs Jørgensen.

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